Saturday, March 31, 2012

Summer Plans

It is the time of year where flowers are blooming, grass is greener, the water is warmer and the sun is brighter. It is so close yet so far away. It is Summer. I just can't wait any longer to have no school, sleep in or stay up late as I want and to be surrounded with my friends. But this summer is totally new and exciting.

For the last couple months, I was struggling with what my summer would have in store for me. I had three choices: to go on a Thailand mission trip,apply for Young Life work Crew or to stay home. The one thing I knew was that my summer plans were to be surrounded with my faith. So here is the story.

There were so many pushing and pulling factors of why to go on our Youth Groups mission trip. It was pushing me to step out on faith but also the risk of money. My parents were unsure and leaning towards no. I was really confused because I wanted to go. On the other hand my YL leader asked for me to fill out the application for Work Crew, and I did. Unsure of what God wanted from me, that Wednesday night when I went to church I gave it entirely to God and fasting from the addictive Facebook.I felt so at peace because I knew he would answer, I prayed for a slam of closed doors and the opening of new ones. In a week he answered, I was getting on my parents about the Thailand application saying it was the last day to turn it it and they said "No you are not going, we do not want you to be distracted from school by raising ALL that money and times in other countries are dangerous.I respected my parents but I cried and fought about it.

After going to church and getting prayer by a good pastor and friend she heard God say I will be creating tons of friendships and serving him. That gave me so much assurance and comfort that it was Work Crew. About a week or more later I heard some of the most exciting news, it was a voice message saying I had been accepted to Work Crew and to call back. That night I could not sleep wondering about where I will be going. The next morning around 10:30 I called my YL leader and asked where I had been accepted. She was like "So how about Malibu Club?". Malibu Club? I was astonished because is one of the most applied camps and hard to get accepted to so i said "really?" and I was. After we were done talking out all the details I hung up and squealed with joy and thanks! Now, it is official that I am going because my tickets are bought and I am committed, all I have to do is finish paperwork and wait a month to go.

Let me just say how amazing Our God is!! We are so blessed to even have God who sent His son to cover our sins and to love us even since we are unworthy. I gave it to God knowing it is not I and trusting in His perfect timing, and look He has taught me SO much in this last month about relying on His plan and not mine.THANK YOU JESUS!!

So to all you waiting for Gods approval, be obedient to Him and He will show you where wants you to go. Just trust in Him because our God is SO big that He can make any plans happen. One important thing, God triumphs your plan so let him lead you to the water.

With love and thanks,


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. Juila my dear. thats awesome :) your heart to follow God is inspiring. Where is this Malibu club at and will it be all summer? im so excited for you. your going to change lives being in work crew. your in my prayers. loveu.
